Directory listing for /Downloads/Master System/
Action Fighter [0544400000010000].nsz
Aerial Assault [0544400000030000].nsz
After Burner [0544400000050000].nsz
Air Rescue [0544400000070000].nsz
Aladdin [0544400000090000].nsz
Alex Kidd - High-Tech World [05444000000b0000].nsz
Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars [05444000000d0000].nsz
Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 [05444000000f0000].nsz
Alex Kidd in Miracle World [0544400000110000].nsz
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World [0544400000130000].nsz
Alien 3 [0544400000150000].nsz
Alien Storm [0544400000170000].nsz
Alien Syndrome [0544400000190000].nsz
Altered Beast [05444000001b0000].nsz
Argos no Juujiken [05444000001d0000].nsz
Ariel the Little Mermaid [05444000001f0000].nsz
Assault City [0544400000210000].nsz
Asterix [0544400000270000].nsz
Asterix and the Great Rescue [0544400000230000].nsz
Asterix and the Secret Mission [0544400000250000].nsz
Astro Warrior [0544400000290000].nsz
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II [05444000002b0000].nsz
Aztec Adventure [05444000002d0000].nsz
Baku Baku Animal [05444000002f0000].nsz
Bank Panic [0544400000310000].nsz
Batman Returns [0544400000330000].nsz
Battle OutRun [0544400000350000].nsz
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs [0544400000370000].nsz
Black Belt [0544400000390000].nsz
Bomber Raid [05444000003b0000].nsz
Bonanza Bros..nsz
Bruce Lee [05444000003f0000].nsz
Bubble Bobble [0544400000410000].nsz
Buggy Run [0544400000430000].nsz
California Games [0544400000450000].nsz
Captain Silver [0544400000470000].nsz
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse [0544400000490000].nsz
Chase H.Q. [05444000004b0000].nsz
Chase H.Q..nsz
Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales [05444000004d0000].nsz
Choplifter [05444000004f0000].nsz
Chuck Rock [0544400000530000].nsz
Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck [0544400000510000].nsz
Cloud Master [0544400000550000].nsz
Columns [0544400000570000].nsz
Cool Spot [0544400000590000].nsz
Cyber Shinobi, The [05444000005b0000].nsz
Cyborg Hunter [05444000005d0000].nsz
DARC [05444000005f0000].nsz
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck [0544400000610000].nsz
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote [0544400000630000].nsz
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner And Wile E. Coyote.nsz
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf [0544400000650000].nsz
Double Dragon [0544400000670000].nsz
Double Hawk [0544400000690000].nsz
Dr. Robotnik'S Mean Bean Machine.nsz
Dragon Crystal [05444000006d0000].nsz
Dynamite Dux [05444000006f0000].nsz
Dynamite Headdy [0544400000710000].nsz
Earthworm Jim [0544400000730000].nsz
Ecco - The Tides of Time [0544400000750000].nsz
Ecco the Dolphin [0544400000770000].nsz
Enduro Racer [0544400000790000].nsz
ESWAT [05444000007b0000].nsz
Fantastic Dizzy [05444000007d0000].nsz
Fantasy Zone - The Maze [05444000007f0000].nsz
Fantasy Zone [0544400000830000].nsz
Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa [0544400000810000].nsz
Flight of Pigarus [0544400000850000].nsz
Forgotten Worlds [0544400000870000].nsz
G-LOC - Air Battle [0544400000890000].nsz
Gain Ground [05444000008b0000].nsz
Galactic Revenge [05444000008d0000].nsz
Galaxy Force [05444000008f0000].nsz
Gangster Town [0544400000910000].nsz
Gauntlet [0544400000930000].nsz
Ghost House [0544400000950000].nsz
Ghostbusters [0544400000970000].nsz
Ghouls 'n Ghosts [0544400000990000].nsz
Global Defense [05444000009b0000].nsz
Golden Axe [05444000009f0000].nsz
Golden Axe Warrior [05444000009d0000].nsz
Golvellius - Valley of Doom [0544400000a10000].nsz
GP Rider [0544400000a30000].nsz
Great Baseball [0544400000a50000].nsz
Hang-On [0544400000a70000].nsz
Hokuto no Ken [0544400000a90000].nsz
Incredible Hulk, The [0544400000ab0000].nsz
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Action Game [0544400000ad0000].nsz
James ''Buster'' Douglas Knockout Boxing [0544400000af0000].nsz
James Bond 007 - The Duel [0544400000b10000].nsz
James Pond II - Codename RoboCod [0544400000b30000].nsz
Jungle Book, The [0544400000b50000].nsz
Jurassic Park [0544400000b70000].nsz
Kenseiden [0544400000b90000].nsz
King's Quest - Quest for the Crown [0544400000bb0000].nsz
Klax [0544400000bd0000].nsz
Kung Fu Kid [0544400000bf0000].nsz
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse [0544400000c10000].nsz
Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse [0544400000c30000].nsz
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes [0544400000c50000].nsz
Lemmings [0544400000c70000].nsz
Line of Fire [0544400000c90000].nsz
Lion King, The [0544400000cb0000].nsz
Lord of the Sword [0544400000cd0000].nsz
Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The [0544400000cf0000].nsz
Marble Madness [0544400000d10000].nsz
Master of Darkness [0544400000d30000].nsz
Masters of Combat [0544400000d50000].nsz
Maze Hunter 3-D [0544400000d70000].nsz
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker [0544400000db0000].nsz
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge [0544400000dd0000].nsz
Micro Machines [0544400000df0000].nsz
Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord [0544400000e10000].nsz
Missile Defense 3-D [0544400000e30000].nsz
Monopoly [0544400000e50000].nsz
Montezuma's Revenge Featuring Panama Joe [0544400000e70000].nsz
Mortal Kombat 3 [0544400000e90000].nsz
Mortal Kombat II [0544400000eb0000].nsz
Ms. Pac-Man.nsz
My Hero [0544400000f10000].nsz
New Zealand Story, The [0544400000f30000].nsz
Ninja Gaiden [0544400000f50000].nsz
Ninja, The [0544400000f70000].nsz
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92 [0544400000f90000].nsz
Operation Wolf [0544400000fb0000].nsz
OutRun 3-D [0544400000fd0000].nsz
OutRun [0544400000ff0000].nsz
Pac-Mania [0544400001010000].nsz
Paperboy [0544400001030000].nsz
Penguin Land [0544400001050000].nsz
Phantasy Star (Re-translation) [0544400001070000].nsz
Phantasy Star [0544400001090000].nsz
Populous [05444000010b0000].nsz
Positorb [05444000010d0000].nsz
Power Strike [0544400001110000].nsz
Power Strike II [05444000010f0000].nsz
Prince of Persia [0544400001130000].nsz
Prisonnier II [0544400001150000].nsz
Psychic World [0544400001170000].nsz
Psycho Fox [0544400001190000].nsz
Putt & Putter [05444000011b0000].nsz
Quartet [05444000011d0000].nsz
R-Type [05444000011f0000].nsz
R.C. Grand Prix.nsz
Rainbow Islands [0544400001230000].nsz
Rambo - First Blood Part II [0544400001250000].nsz
Rambo III [0544400001270000].nsz
Rampage [0544400001290000].nsz
Rampart [05444000012b0000].nsz
Rastan [05444000012d0000].nsz
Renegade [05444000012f0000].nsz
Rescue Mission [0544400001310000].nsz
Road Rash [0544400001330000].nsz
RoboCop Versus The Terminator [0544400001350000].nsz
Sagaia [0544400001370000].nsz
Scramble Spirits [0544400001390000].nsz
Shadow Dancer [05444000013b0000].nsz
Shanghai [05444000013d0000].nsz
Shinobi [05444000013f0000].nsz
Silver Valley [0544400001410000].nsz
Snail Maze [0544400001430000].nsz
Solomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita no Namida [0544400001450000].nsz
Sonic Blast [0544400001470000].nsz
Sonic Chaos [0544400001490000].nsz
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [05444000014b0000].nsz
Sonic the Hedgehog [05444000014f0000].nsz
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball [05444000014d0000].nsz
Space Gun [0544400001510000].nsz
Space Harrier 3-D [0544400001530000].nsz
Space Harrier [0544400001550000].nsz
SpellCaster [0544400001570000].nsz
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin [0544400001590000].nsz
Spider-Man Vs. The Kingpin.nsz
Spy vs. Spy [05444000015b0000].nsz
Spy Vs. Spy.nsz
Star Wars [05444000015d0000].nsz
Street Fighter II [05444000015f0000].nsz
Streets of Rage 2 [0544400001610000].nsz
Streets of Rage [0544400001630000].nsz
Strider [0544400001670000].nsz
Strider II [0544400001650000].nsz
Submarine Attack [0544400001690000].nsz
Super Monaco GP [05444000016b0000].nsz
Super Space Invaders [05444000016d0000].nsz
Taz-Mania [05444000016f0000].nsz
Tecmo World Cup '93 [0544400001710000].nsz
Teddy Boy [0544400001730000].nsz
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day [0544400001750000].nsz
Terminator, The [0544400001770000].nsz
Thunder Blade [0544400001790000].nsz
Time Soldiers [05444000017b0000].nsz
Tom and Jerry - The Movie [05444000017d0000].nsz
TransBot [05444000017f0000].nsz
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar [0544400001810000].nsz
Vigilante [0544400001830000].nsz
Virtua Fighter Animation [0544400001850000].nsz
Waimanu - Scary Monsters Saga [0544400001870000].nsz
Wanted [0544400001890000].nsz
Weka Invaders [05444000018b0000].nsz
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego [05444000018d0000].nsz
Wimbledon II [05444000018f0000].nsz
Wonder Boy [0544400001970000].nsz
Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap [0544400001910000].nsz
Wonder Boy in Monster Land [0544400001930000].nsz
Wonder Boy in Monster World [0544400001950000].nsz
World Grand Prix [0544400001990000].nsz
WWF WrestleMania - Steel Cage Challenge [05444000019b0000].nsz
X-Men - Mojo World [05444000019d0000].nsz
Ys - The Vanished Omens [05444000019f0000].nsz
Zaxxon 3-D [0544400001a10000].nsz
Zillion [0544400001a50000].nsz
Zillion II - The Tri Formation [0544400001a30000].nsz
Zool - Ninja of the ''Nth'' Dimension [0544400001a70000].nsz